Termékek arcultra ultrahangosztályozó (11)

rádiófrekvencia - monopólus és bipoláris

rádiófrekvencia - monopólus és bipoláris

La radiofrequenza è una tecnologia con la quale è possibile fare trattamenti viso corpo, su persone più o meno giovani, sia su uomini che su donne. C’è chi ha definito questa tecnologia come una tecnica di ringiovanimento con effetti simili ad un lifting chirugico! Come agisce? La radiofrequenza sfrutta l’effetto termolitico di onde radioelettriche, generate da appositi sistemi elettromedicali. L’effetto sui tessuti, che dipende dal grado di impedenza (resistenza), consiste in un aumento di temperatura locale che, a vari gradi e intensità, ottiene lo scopo terapeutico di migliorare il microcircolo, ridurre il pannicolo fibroadiposo (cellulite), ma soprattutto di determinare un rimodellamento delle fibre connettivali dell’impalcatura sottocutanea del tessuto da trattare. Il calore stimola la collagenogenesi, si ha un’incremento della produzione di collagene ed elastina sostanze indispensabili per una pelle giovane e distesa. L’aumento della circolazione stimola scambi intercellulari
0,5t MRI gép szkenner

0,5t MRI gép szkenner

Powerful image processing technology, powerful industrial computer(lPC) workstation, very convenient for image shearing, processing and storage, etc. Better reconstruction technology, adopt seniorreconstruction technologies like iteration/ interpolation, complete the signal data collection and K space filling in extremely short time, gain higher resolution images with much clearer fine structures. Abundant of scanning sequences and imaging technologies based on years of MeCan experience and indefatigable product improvement. Our software has complete and professional sequences which meet the scanning requirements of different parts and can simply gain high quality images based on its rich clinical experience. lndependentdeveloped operation system, doctors can easily and quickly register the patient, browse image, do advanced postprocessing, external device connectivity and other functions. Magnet Type:Self-constant temperature, non- Eddy current free, full open Permanent Nd-Fe-B magnet Field Strength:0.50T Spectrometer:Full Digital Receiving Coil:Phase Array Coil
ImaGo - állatorvosi ultrahangos szkenner

ImaGo - állatorvosi ultrahangos szkenner

Quality: Portable and also sturdy, the IMAGO scanner is a combination of high technologies in the service of field veterinarians. You benefit from an exceptional image quality that allows you a fast and reliable diagnosis. Portability: Thanks to its ultra-compact size, the IMAGO is the portable scanner by excellence. Thanks to its battery you take advantage of several hours of continuous use without electric connection. As the battery is exchangeable you do not count the hours of ambulatory use anymore. Its sturdiness and long working time make this scanner a real field tool. Multi Purpose: Due to a wide range of multi-frequency probes, IMAGO meets all application requirements for the best result always. User friendly: This device is easy and fast, as well as its use on a daily basis, therefore the user friendly aspect is the key word in the interface.
HIFU SMAS V+ Lifting 3 az 1-ben bőrfeszesítő eszköz - HIFU bőrfeszesítés, 3 fogantyú 1-ben, hüvelyi feszesítés, SMAS

HIFU SMAS V+ Lifting 3 az 1-ben bőrfeszesítő eszköz - HIFU bőrfeszesítés, 3 fogantyú 1-ben, hüvelyi feszesítés, SMAS

High Intensity focus ultrasound, working on SMAS layer deeply The most advanced and effective technology for skin lifting, anti-agining, skin tightening, slimming, face contouring, double chin reduce One treatment make 5-8 years younger Non invasion, no down time. 3 handles in 1: 4D handle, Radar caving handle, vaginal handle Various thickness cartridges for face and body treatment: 1.5mm, 3.0mm, 4.5mm, 8.0mm, 10mm, 13mm, 16mm 450W high power for best effects 1- 12 lines adjustable for quicker and convinient operation. Private model for vaginal tightening, no bleeding, no scare door to door shipment more information: elaine@mbt-laser.com whatsapp: +8518600093806
smart cube DIODE LASER - Szuper Szőrtelenítés A legnagyobb teljesítményű technológia. Fájdalommentes és gyors kezelés.

smart cube DIODE LASER - Szuper Szőrtelenítés A legnagyobb teljesítményű technológia. Fájdalommentes és gyors kezelés.

APLICACIONES Eliminación del vello. Se utiliza una luz roja con una longitud de onda de 808nm, la cual penetra dentro de la piel siendo absorbida por los cromóforos de la misma. En función de cada tipo de piel se realiza el ajuste de los parámetros necesarios para una destrucción adecuada y duradera del vello. Fotorejuvenecimiento, utilizando la posibilidad de configuración de baja energía, se consiguen resultados muy buenos para el rejuvenecimiento de la piel. VENTAJAS Ordenador SAMSUNG integrado, que controla inteligentemente el sistema. Sistema operativo ANDROD y programación en JAVA. Utiliza la recnología más avanzada del mercado. Wifi integrada y posibilidad de conexión a internet. Licencia de uso por disparos y por fechas (ideal para Franquicias y alquileres). Guarda y memoriza los tratamientos de los pacientes. Compresor de frío integrado. Eliminación del vello rápida e indolora. CARACTERISTICAS Tipo de láse Diodo Logintud de onda 808nm Energía del láser 1-170 Julios
Plasmage - Az első szabadalmaztatott frakcionált plazma dermatológiai és esztétikai orvoslás számára

Plasmage - Az első szabadalmaztatott frakcionált plazma dermatológiai és esztétikai orvoslás számára

PLASMAGE ® - Compatto, facile da maneggiare e con un'interfaccia intuitiva. Sviluppato per trattare in modo sicuro le zone delicate come le palpebre superiori e inferiori, dove i laser e i dispositivi chirurgici non possono intervenire. Plasmage® sublima i tessuti senza effetti collaterali sulla pelle. È l'unico strumento per eseguire Blefaroplasma ® con risultati rapidi. PLASMAGE ® trasporta l'energia del plasma, generato dalla ionizzazione del gas nell'aria, sui tessuti. E' un dispositivo medico per micro-chirurgia non invasiva - classe II b. È uno strumento perfetto dotato di molti protocolli estetici e dermatologici, come: Blefaroplasma®, Rughe, Xanthelasma, Acne, Cicatrici, Lentigo, Fibroma, Verruche, Macchie Solari...
Fogászati szimulátor - Hibrid fogászati szimulátor "LEONARDO"

Fogászati szimulátor - Hibrid fogászati szimulátor "LEONARDO"

Leonardo is een unieke simulator die voor de voorbereiding van een tand op een model met de tevens driedimensionale visualisatie van elke actie op het scherm en een automatische beoordeling van de uitgevoerde procedure zorgt. TOEZICHTSYSTEEM De microsensoren op het tandheelkundige handstuk worden in 6 vrijheidsgraden met snelheden tot 240 hertz gecontroleerd, dit zorgt voor een indrukwekkende nauwkeurigheid. SOFTWARE De unieke software is modulair opgebouwd; De modules tonen verschillende tandheelkundige processen: van het verzamelen van anamnese en röntgenfoto's tot het toedienen van anesthesie en het voorbereiden van een kroon. CRITERIA VOOR BEOORDELING De student krijgt beoordelingen van zijn werk zowel tijdens real-time simulatortraining als na afronding. De beoordeelde criteria zijn de anamnese van de virtuele patiënt, de geschiktheid van de geselecteerde anesthesie, de injectietechniek, de kwantitatieve parameters van de tandvoorbereiding, evenals de parameters van ergonomie. Beschrijving van de simulator:Draagbaar multifunctioneel tandheelkundig apparaat en elektromagnetisch toezichtsysteem Onderdelen van het apparaat:Operatietafel voor de assistent, instrumententafel, pneumatisch voetpedaal.. Onderdelen van het apparaat:tandartslamp, oefenmodel, camera, zwenkwielen met vergrendeling Module bibliotheek:Operatieve tandheelkunde, tandprotheses, röntgenfotografie Anesthesie module:U kunt het type anesthesie, het middel, de vasoconstrictor en de naaldlengte selecteren. Operatieve tandheelkunde module:De module is bedoeld om de voorbereiding van een carieuze tandholte te leren Module voor tandprotheses:De module bestaat uit lessen over het maken van tandkronen Optie voorlichting:Elke les begint met een voorlichting Optie voorlichting:De sessie legt de klachten en anamnese van de patiënt, onderzoeksresultaten en bijbehorende beelden Optie rapportage:Elke keer worden 3D-opnamen en video-opnamen met behulp van een externe camera gemaakt; Optie rapportage:Reacties worden met de tijdlijn gesynchroniseerd (in register opgenomen).
Házrészek in vitro diagnosztikai eszközökhöz

Házrészek in vitro diagnosztikai eszközökhöz

Gehäuseteile für In - Vitro - Diagnostik - Geräte
ExaGo - a hordozható állatorvosi ultrahangos készülék

ExaGo - a hordozható állatorvosi ultrahangos készülék

Wherever you use this portable veterinary ultrasound scanner, you benefit from an excellent image quality. Due to its wide range of multi-frequency probes, the ExaGo efficiently meets all your required applications. Quality: Designed with the latest technologies and equipped for the veterinarian environment, ExaGo is reliable and robust. It will quickly and easily provide you with high-quality ultrasound images. Portability: Compact and light, ExaGo is specifically designed for veterinary field use. Its interchangeable battery provides you with several hours of examinations. With it's durable and tough case, ExaGo can follow you everywhere. This provides you the same image quality and image interpretation as your in office practice with one convenient portable veterinary ultrasound. Open Technology: ExaGo has been designed for long-term use. With its fully digital system, ExaGo is progressive and easily upgradable (both hardware and software) and will always fully meet your needs.
MBT Omegy szőrtelenítő lézerkészülék, 800W dióda lézer

MBT Omegy szőrtelenítő lézerkészülék, 800W dióda lézer

Triple wavelength 755+808+1064nm, permanent ice painless 800W laser power - 2022 Newest model, 20% energy use rate higher Comfortable, Painless, Ice 800W Americian Coherent Laser bar Large spot size of 16*25mm for quicker treatment Mixed wavelength 755+808+1064nm for all colors of skins and hairs removal Powerful cooling system, ensure the temperature of head can be down to -20℃ in 30 seconds. LCD touchscreen on handle, realizes the adjustment of parameter synchronized with the machine Effective: adopts advanced diode laser technology, directly target on the hair follicle. One treatment can keep hairless for one month, after 3-5 sessions, the hairless status can keep much longer,even permanent Rental function provide more business model Door to door shipment More information please contact: elaine@mbt-laser.com whatsapp:+8618500093806 www.mbtlaser.com Instagram: mbtlaser_elaine
EMSCULPT testformáló és izomépítő berendezés - Testvékonyítás, Magas energiájú elektromágneses hullám tréning, Circslim

EMSCULPT testformáló és izomépítő berendezés - Testvékonyítás, Magas energiájú elektromágneses hullám tréning, Circslim

Adopts advanced technology with High-energy electromagnetic wave training, Circslim squeeze muscle. In 30 mins treatment, is more than 20,000 sit-ups Increase the muscle mass average 18% 2 handles, treatment on different body parts at the same time 6 sport models optional Door to door shipment More videos and information please contact: elaine@mbt-laser.com whatsapp:+8618500093806 Instagram: mbtlaser_elaine